IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is illegal to sell liquor to people under the age of 18. By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. You must ensure that no other person except yourself shall use your login to purchase liquor products and a person aged 18 or above (identification is required) must be present to take delivery, otherwise, delivery shall be withdrawn and attempted at another time to be agreed upon between you and us.
Payment may be made by online payment (PayPal, WeChat Pay), C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery), bank transfer or Cheques (There will be 3 business days for cheque payment before delivery)
Bank Detail: Bank of China (Hong Kong)
Account No.: 01469310273805
All cheques should be made payable to “EPARI LIMITED”
Free Delivery for orders over HK$1,000 for any address on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories. (single address only)
There will be no delivery service for outlying islands
For orders below HK$1,000, delivery charges for Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories shall be HK$100.
Delivery will be re-schedule during adverse weather conditions (typhoon signal No.8 or above), (Black Rain warning).
All items must deliver or pick-up within 30 days after confirmed payment.